miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

CONTENIDOS PRUEBAS PAS Inglés, primer semestre 2017

Primer ciclo:

First grade(primer año):
-Family members
-Numbers from 1 al 10
-School supplies

Second grade(segundo año):
-Actions (walk, close, sit down, etc.)
-Numbers from 1 to 10
-The house (rooms and objects)
-Prepositions “in-on-under”

Third grade (Tercer año)
-Months of the year
-Ordinals numbers
-adjectives (small, short, big,ugly, dirty, etc.)
-School subjects (history,math, science,etc.)

Fourth Grade (Cuarto año)
-Actions at school (stand on line, do a project, etc.)
-Fire fighters ´actions (rescue people, throw water on fires, etc.)
-Jobs (What do they do?, Where do they work?, What do they use?)
-Prepositions of time ( in-on-under-next to-in front of, etc.)
-Reading comprehension exercises.

Segundo ciclo:

Fifth grade (Quinto año):
-Personal information (name, age, nationality, job)
-Family members
-Rooms and objects in a house
-Places in a town and the prepositions of place.
-Reading comprehension

Sixth grade (Sexto año):
-Healthy food
-Places is a town
-Jobs and work places.
-The time
-Actions at the moment
 -Reading Comprehension.

Seventh grade (Séptimo año):
-Vocabulary related to indoor and outdoor activities.
-Clothes (shorts, t-shirt, cap, etc.)
-Countable and uncountable nouns
- Quantifiers “some” and “any”, “how much-how many”.
-Reading Comprehension.

Eight grade (Octavo año):
-Vocabulary related to tourism (Unit 1)
-Vocabulary about technology and astrology (Unit 2)
-Comparative and superlative adjectives
-Auxiliary for the future (will-won’t)
-Reading Comprehension.

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