Sixth grade (6to año):
Power Point (in groups)
Write about a celebration and insert pictures and inportant information.
Enviar los trabajos hasta el lunes 15 o llevar el martes 16 en pen-drive)
(Los alumnos comenzaron a hacer sus trabajos en la sala de enlaces el martes pasado)
Recuerden no escribir nada en español.
Christmas is the most important Christian celebrations and people celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. However , that is not only a religious celebration, people meet and share with
friends and family and make present to them.
The ”Independen celebration" in Chile consists
of two days:-September 18th , the commemoration of the proclamation of the First
Governing Body in 1810, and the beginning of the Chilean
independence process.-September 19th , known as the "Day of the Glories of
the Army".
Los alumnos de segundo, tercero y cuarto llevan tarea en "Home work books" (con nota acumulativa)
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